
Saturday, December 21, 2013

To fireout the day boredom

Hi Folks, it is usual that we get boredom the whole day, we just boil out to come out from this blues, but very difficult to get rid out of it. Here are some of the tips to change the moods and to tackle with your blues.

1) After getting wake up from your bed take 10 times deep breath to inhale oxygen in your lungs so as to get out the impurities from your body.

2) Do meditation and prayers and praise the beggining of the day and God to give such a nice day.

3) Bring a broad smile on your face and greet everyone with Good Morning.

4) Take a easier task first in the morning so as to boost your power energy and morale towards the difficult
  tasks to be done later on.

5) You can turn the power on to listen your favourite melodies and audios on ypur i pod, mobiles to get completely refresh and get retain your joyful mood.

6) Be on line towards any social media websites like Facebook, Twitter to get on with your friends and to share the happiest conversation with them

7) Be light and positive and be light with your breakfast so as to catch up with your work and also to tackle blues during the whole day.

8) Input positive thoughts and greet everyone with your smile and face..

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